Friendly Folio - Shakespeare First Folio Scripts Made User-Friendly

Friendly Folio uniquely provides Shakespeare's First Folio Scripts in a user-friendly, modern format for actors, teachers, directors, workshop-leaders and students. See below for how we have simply 'untangled' Shakespeare's text.

You can purchase these scripts from this website for a very reasonable price. Friendly Folio also offers workshops on how to work with and study Shakespeare as a living playwright, using methods available to theatrical practitioners during his lifetime.

You can see examples of how we present Scripts and Cue Scripts on our Free Sample page. You can also find out in which of Shakespeare plays a character appears, or all the alternative names for this person, by using our Search facility on the Parts / Sides page.

First Folio

Shakespeare First Folio Script


Friendly Folio

The Friendly Folio version of the same script

To find out more please read the What We Do section. To order a Friendly Folio script please search one of our online databases...

Plays The full script of the play as it appears in the First Folio. We can also provide the complete set of Parts and the full script for a particular play.
Parts / Sides All the words that a character speaks, with the cues for each speech.
Speeches Chosen for effectiveness and suitable length for auditions or classes.
Beginnings The complete package for a play's first 30 minutes, with all scripts and guides. The perfect introduction to Cue Script work in the classroom or workshop.
Sonnets Short pieces, both for class work and for auditions.

Friendly Folio is run by Patrick Tucker & Christine Ozanne of the Original Shakespeare Company.